Δευτέρα 27 Μαρτίου 2023



Also called "Blackfurs" by the Heroes, Stormvermin wear armor and carry halberds or a sword and shield. They are easily spotted by their red/orange armour and height, which makes them stand out among the Clanrats they are often seen with. Additionally, Stormvermin make up the Skaven patrols encountered during missions.




Also known as Bullgors, Minotaurs are infamous for their great strength and violent tempers. Though less intelligent than other Beastmen, they are nevertheless formidable warriors made even more vicious when they have the opportunity to feast upon the flesh of their enemies.



 The Lifeleech is a large, bloated Chaos sorcerer that teleports across the battlefield to try and capture his victims in a magical and deadly embrace. They wear a spiked hood under which they have glowing green eyes, and carry a staff with skulls and limbs mounted on the top.




Rat Ogres are the pinnacle of experiments performed by Clan Moulder. These muscular brutes tower above any other Skaven and use raw force to pummel their opponents. Ogres are made by putting together parts of multiple rats, which can be seen from the stitches covering its body.



Also known as a "Fire Rat", the Warpfire Thrower is Armoured and carries a large flamethrower, which it powers with a Warpstone-based fuel tank on its back. It shoots green flames, which can leave a blazing trail on the ground for multiple seconds.




I bet you’ve all noticed that our stout, comradely dwarf – while stout as ever – ain’t exactly been as comradely of late. Locked himself up in his room. All kinds of weird banging and the like coming from within. Also been a bit, well, short with everyone, hasn’t he? And Olesya says he’s even stopped eating her candles. Not exactly the Bardin Gorreksson we’ve come to know and love. Well, I’ve done a bit of asking around, and I think I know why. I don’t have to remind any of you that our recent trip to Castle Drachenfels, while a roaring success – and thanks for that – stirred the pot, shall we say? Old memories dredged up, and all that. Never mind how I know, I just know, all right? Let’s just say that Cousin Okri told me. …you can put that sneer away, Kerillian. Okri’s real enough.



 Also known as "Assassin Rats", Gutter Runners wield two Warpstone-enhanced fighting claws and extreme agility to jump its prey and pounce it to death once it's disabled. As maneuverability and stealth is their forte, they don't wear armour but dark clothing, including a cloak.



  Bödvarr Ribspreader is the Chaos Champion of the Rotblood Tribe forces in Helmgart , and the boss at the end of The War Camp . The Hero...